Sunday, June 26, 2005

the wee hours

Lately I've been sitting up a lot in the wee hours. I'm usually pretty tired, but Ross goes to bed and for some reason I just can't bear to go when I'm told - so I sit and surf and read and stay up later and later until finally I give in and go to bed. At one.... two... three in the morning, the demons are alive, and I feel unbearably sad and impossibly tired and all alone in the world. And yet. I cherish that time, that all alone in the world time, because it is removed from the consequences of itself, separated by dark and silence and sleep from all the things I have to get done.

Today was okay. I met up with one of the other coordinators for the science camp I am helping to run at the end of the summer, and we put a lot of work into the project manual for the camp. It feels good to make progress and to be creating something of value. What I didn't do was make any further progress on writing my user guide and documentation for my code. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

It has been so hot. We are all wilting. When will it rain?

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